第十五类: 乐器
第二十三类: 纺织用纱、线
第二十五类: 服装,鞋,帽
第三十四类: 烟草,烟具,火柴
第三十八类: 电信
第四十类: 材料处理
类-编号 项目 参考译文 状态
001-295 Ceramic powders used in manufacturing 陶瓷粉末在制造中的应用 A
001-296 Chemical agents for chelating and sequestering 螯合和螯合用化学试剂 A
001-298 Oxygenated distilled water 含氧蒸馏水 A
001-299 Synthetic polymer modified resin compound for use in cementitious repairs 用于水泥修补的合成聚合物改性树脂 A
001-300 Sea water for industrial use 工业用海水 A
001-301 Water softening chemicals 软水剂 A
001-302 Water softening pellets 水软化球团 A
001-303 Temperature indicating liquids which change appearance by further liquefying to indicate temperature at a particular level 温度具体指明液体,通过进一步液化来改变外观以具体指明特定的温度。 A
001-304 Ingredients used in the manufacture of light beverages, namely, carrageenan, gellan gum and xanthan gum 用于制造轻质饮料的原料,即卡拉胶、结冷胶和黄原胶 A
001-305 Chemical slurries for polishing semiconductors 半导体抛光用化学浆料 A
001-306 Food supplements for agricultural products and other plants 农产品和其他植物的食品添加剂 A
001-307 Diamond molecules and derivatives for use in nanotechnology, microelectronics, optics, and pharmaceuticals 用于纳米技术、微电子、光学和医药的金刚石分子和衍生物 A
001-308 Fermented rice bran for use in the manufacture of cosmetics 用于制造化妆品的发酵米糠 A
001-309 Fillers and adhesive preparations used by decorators 装修工人使用的填充剂和粘合剂 A
001-310 Biological tissue, namely, blood, stem cells, umbilical cords and placentas for scientific and medical research use 生物组织,即血液、干细胞、脐带和胎盘,用于科学和医学研究 A
001-311 Oil reclamation fluid for the separation of crude oil from soil and water 从土壤和水中分离原油的油回收液 A
001-312 Chemical additives for enhancing the performance of lubricating oils, greases and internal combustion engine fuels 提高润滑油、润滑脂和内燃机燃料性能的化学添加剂 A
001-313 Chromium oxides 铬氧化物 A
001-314 Citric acid 柠檬酸 A
001-317 Construction industry adhesives 建筑业用胶粘剂 A
001-318 Coolants 冷却剂 A
001-319 Dinitronaphthalene 二硝基萘 A
001-320 Diphenyl 联苯 A
001-321 Diphenylmethane 二苯基甲烷 A
001-322 Dolomite 白云石 A
001-323 Double or triple superphosphate fertilizer 双磷肥或三联磷肥 A
001-324 Dysprosium A
001-325 Enzyme preparations for use in the alcohol industry 酒精工业用酶制剂 A
001-326 Chemical products for brightening dyestuffs 光亮染料化工产品 A
001-327 Chemical products for glazing leather 皮革用化学制品 A
001-328 Chemical products for preventing scale 防垢化工产品 A
001-329 Chemical products for the fresh-keeping and preserving of food 食品保鲜与化学制品 A
001-331 Chemical reagents for non-medical purposes 非医用化学试剂 A
001-332 Chemical soil conditioners 化学土壤调理剂 A
001-333 Chemical source material for the deposition of thin films upon semiconductor wafers for the manufacture of semiconductors 用于半导体制造的半导体晶片上沉积薄膜的化学源材料 A
001-335 Chemically converted compound fertilizers 化学转化复混肥料 A
001-336 Chemicals for use in industry and science 工业和科学用化学品 A
001-337 Chemiground wood pulp 化学木浆 A
001-338 Chloralkalis 氯碱 A
001-339 Chlorinated acids 氯化酸 A
001-340 Chlorine A
001-341 Chloromethyl ether 氯甲基醚 A
001-342 Chloronaphthalene 氯萘 A
001-343 Chloronitroaniline 氯硝基苯胺 A
001-344 Chloroprene 氯丁橡胶 A
001-345 Chloropropylene 氯丙烯 A
001-346 Chlorosulphonic acid 氯磺酸 A
001-347 Chrome alum 铬矾 A
001-348 Chromium chloride 氯化铬 A
001-349 Fireproofing preparations 防火制剂 A
001-350 Flame retarding compositions 阻燃组合物 A
001-351 Flushing agents for automobile radiators Flushing汽车散热器代理商 A
001-352 Formaldehyde 甲醛 A
001-353 Formate 甲酸盐 A
001-354 Formic acid 甲酸 A
001-355 Francium 弗朗西姆 A
001-356 Copper carbonate 碳酸铜 A
001-357 Copper sulphate 硫酸铜 A
001-358 Cresol 甲酚 A
001-360 Crotonic acid 巴豆酸 A
001-361 Cryolite 冰晶石 A
001-362 Cumene 异丙苯 A
001-363 Curium 莪术 A
001-364 Cyanides and cyanates 氰化物和氰酸盐 A
001-365 Cyclohexane 环己烷 A
001-366 Cyclopentane 环戊烷 A
001-367 Cymene 伞花烃 A
001-368 Defoaming agents 消泡剂 A
001-369 Degreasing agents [not for household use] 脱脂剂[不用于家用] A
001-370 Descaling preparations for industrial purposes 工业用除垢制剂 A
001-371 Detergents for industrial use 工业用洗涤剂 A
001-372 Dextrin 糊精 A
001-373 Dextrine size 糊精大小 A
001-374 Diagnostic preparations for scientific use 科学诊断制剂 A
001-376 Diagnostic preparations used in science 科学用诊断制剂 A
001-377 Dianisidine 二茴香胺 A
001-378 Diatomaceous earth 硅藻土 A
001-379 Dibasic potassium phosphate 磷酸二氢钾 A
001-380 Dichloroethane 二氯乙烷 A
001-381 Dichloromethane 二氯甲烷 A
001-382 Dicyandiamide 双氰胺 A
001-383 Diethyl phthalate 邻苯二甲酸Diethyl A
001-384 Diisopropyl ether 二异丙基醚 A
001-385 Dimethyl phthalate 邻苯二甲酸二甲酯 A
001-386 Dimethyl sulphate 硫酸二甲酯 A
001-387 Dimethylaniline 二甲基苯胺 A
001-388 Acetates 醋酸盐 A
001-389 Acetic acid 乙酸 A
001-390 Acetic acid ester 乙酸乙酯 A
001-391 Acetone 丙酮 A
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