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美国商品与服务分类 01-化学原料
类-编号 项目 参考译文 状态
001-1 Detergent for use in the manufacture of hair shampoo 洗发香波用洗涤剂 A
001-4 Doping compounds for use in the manufacture of semiconductors 用于半导体制造的掺杂化合物 A
001-5 Epoxy glue for general bonding and repair purposes 一般粘接和修复用环氧树脂胶 A
001-7 Fabric protectant for commercial dry cleaning use 商业干洗用织物保护剂 A
001-9 Fertilizers for domestic use 家用肥料 A
001-10 Paste filler for automotive body repair 汽车修理用膏体填料 M
001-12 Flower preservative 花卉保鲜剂 A
001-13 Fluid cracking catalysts 流体裂化催化剂 A
001-14 Abrasive compositions used in the manufacture of metal polish 用于金属抛光制造的磨料组合物 A
001-16 Adhesives for {indicate specific industry or indicate for general industrial use, if accurate} GB/T1295-1997工业用专用胶粘剂或标示一般工业用途的胶粘剂 A
001-18 Adhesives for applying wall coverings 墙面涂料用胶粘剂 A
001-19 Adhesives for use in the binding of books 书籍装订用胶粘剂 A
001-20 Adhesives for use in the manufacture of furniture 家具制造用胶粘剂 A
001-21 Adhesives for use in the manufacture of plywood 胶合板制造用胶粘剂 A
001-22 Adhesives for use in the manufacture of surgical bandages 外科绷带制造用粘合剂 A
001-23 Adhesives for use in the manufacture of wall coverings 用于制造墙面覆盖物的粘合剂 A
001-24 Agar 琼脂 A
001-25 Agricultural lime 农用石灰 A
001-26 Alcohol for use in the manufacture of paints and other coatings 涂料和其他涂料的生产用酒精 A
001-27 Alcohol for use in the manufacture of perfumes 香水制造用酒精 A
001-29 Ammonia for industrial purposes 工业用氨 A
001-30 Antifreeze 防冻剂 A
001-32 Anti-static spray for electronic equipment 电子设备防静电喷涂 A
001-35 Automobile cooling system leak sealants 汽车冷却系统泄漏密封剂 A
001-36 Automobile cooling system rust inhibitors 汽车冷却系统防锈剂 A
001-37 Automobile gasket cement 汽车垫片水泥 A
001-38 Automobile tire inflator sealers 汽车轮胎充气机封口机 A
001-39 Bacteria for use in food manufacture 食品生产用细菌 A
001-41 Gases for welding 焊接用气体 A
001-42 Glue for use in {indicate specific industry} industry 用于具体指明特定行业的胶粘剂 A
001-43 Growing media for plants 植物生长培养基 A
001-45 Hydraulic fluids for general use 通用液压油 A
001-51 Masking compounds for use in the manufacture of semiconductors 用于半导体制造的掩蔽化合物 A
001-52 Masonry preservatives [other than paints and oils] 圬工防腐剂(油漆和油料除外) A
001-54 Mold release compounds for use in concrete fabrication 用于混凝土制造的脱模化合物 A
001-55 Mold release compounds for use in the plastic/fiberglass industry 塑料/玻璃纤维工业用脱模剂 A
001-57 Chemical vehicles used in the manufacture of paints 油漆制造用化学车辆 A
001-58 Chemicals used in oil drilling 石油钻井用化学品 A
001-60 Chlorine for {indicate specific use or industry or indicate for general industrial use, if accurate} 氯,用于具体指明工业用途的特定用途或工业或具体指明,如准确 A
001-63 Chromium plating compositions 镀铬组合物 A
001-65 Concrete additives 混凝土外加剂 A
001-70 Plastic molding compounds for use in plastic extrusion operations 用于塑料挤出操作的塑料模塑化合物 A
001-71 Plastic molding compounds for use in the manufacture of molded plastic articles 用于模制塑料制品制造的塑料模塑化合物 A
001-72 Plastic molding compounds for use in the manufacture of plastic sheets and films 塑料片材和薄膜制造用塑料模塑化合物 A
001-73 Potting soil 盆栽土壤 A
001-75 Radiator additives to prevent rust 散热器防锈添加剂 A
001-76 Radiator flush 散热器冲洗 A
001-77 Rock salt for deicing 岩盐除冰 M
001-79 Sensitized photographic film 感光胶片 A
001-80 Soil conditioners for {indicate whether for agricultural, domestic or horticultural use} use 土壤调理剂{具体指明是否用于农业、家庭或园艺用途〉 A
001-81 Soil stabilizers for use in road construction 公路建设用土壤稳定剂 A
001-83 Soldering flux 钎焊剂 A
001-84 Solvent type processing compositions for use in the electronics industry 电子工业用溶剂型加工组合物 A
001-85 Starch for use in the manufacture of paper or textiles 造纸或纺织用淀粉 A
001-86 Surfactants for use in connection with agricultural pesticides 用于农业杀虫剂的表面活性剂 A
001-87 Surfactants for use in the manufacture of synthetic detergents 合成洗涤剂用表面活性剂 A
001-90 Tanning agents for use in the manufacture of leather 皮革制革用鞣剂 A
001-91 Tempering chemicals for use in metalworking or soldering 用于金属加工或焊接的调温化学品 A
001-92 Tire sealing compounds 轮胎密封材料 A
001-93 Unexposed camera film 未曝光相机胶卷 A
001-94 Unexposed cinematographic film 未曝光电影胶片 A
001-96 Bacteria for waste water treatment 废水处理细菌 A
001-97 Biochemicals, namely, precursors for in vitro genetic engineering use 生物化学,即体外基因工程的前体 A
001-98 Biochemicals, namely, polypeptides for in vitro research use 生物化学制品,即用于体外研究的多肽 A
001-99 Biochemicals, namely, monoclonal antibodies for in vitro scientific or research use 生物化学制品,即用于体外科学或研究用途的单克隆抗体 A
001-102 Catalysts for use in the manufacture of industrial chemicals 用于工业化学品制造的催化剂 A
001-103 Catalysts for use in the manufacture of rubber 用于制造橡胶的催化剂 A
001-104 Catalysts for use in the oil processing industry 石油加工工业用催化剂 A
001-106 Chemical additives for use with internal combustion engine fuels 与内燃机燃料一起使用的化学添加剂 X
001-107 Chemical oxidants for use in the manufacture of printed circuits 印制电路制造用化学氧化剂 X
001-108 Unprocessed artificial resins for {indicate specific use or industry} 未加工的人造树脂,用于具体指明特定用途或工业用途 A
001-113 Waterproofing chemical compositions for articles of leather 皮革制品防水化学成分 A
001-114 Waterproofing chemical compositions for articles of masonry, wood and other building and/or construction surfaces 砖石、木材和其他建筑和/或建筑表面制品的防水化学成分 A
001-115 Wetting agents for use in the manufacture of cosmetics 化妆品制造用润湿剂 A
001-116 Wetting agents for use in the manufacture of paints 涂料制造用润湿剂 A
001-117 Wood flour for use as a filler in the manufacture of plastics 用作塑料制造用填料的木粉 A
001-118 Wood pulp for manufacturing purposes 制造用木浆 A
001-119 Paper pulp for manufacturing purposes 造纸用纸浆 A
001-122 Petroleum cracking catalysts 石油裂化催化剂 A
001-123 Photographic chemicals 照相化学品 A
001-124 Photosensitive paper 感光纸 A
001-125 Photosensitive paper for use in medical imagery 医学影像用感光纸 A
001-126 Plant food 植物性食品 A
001-127 Dough stabilizers 面团稳定剂 M
001-129 Drilling muds for use in oil well drilling 钻井用钻井泥浆 A
001-130 Dry ice 干冰 A
001-132 Emulsifiers for use in the manufacture of leather and textiles 皮革和纺织品制造用乳化剂 A
001-133 Chemical gasoline additives 化学汽油添加剂 M
001-136 Chemical motor oil additives 化工机油添加剂 M
001-137 Reagents for scientific or medical research use 科学或医学研究用试剂 A
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