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美国商品与服务分类 04-燃料油脂
类-编号 项目 参考译文 状态
004-2 Belt dressings 皮带敷料 A
004-4 Charcoal lighter fluid 木炭打火液 A
004-5 Cigarette lighter fluid 打火机液 A
004-7 Beeswax for use in the manufacture of ointments 用于制造软膏的蜂蜡 A
004-9 Beeswax for use in the manufacture of candles 蜡烛制作用蜂蜡 A
004-10 Automotive lubricants 汽车润滑油 A
004-11 Automotive greases 汽车润滑脂 A
004-14 All purpose penetrating oil 万能渗透油 A
004-16 Cutting oil for industrial metal working 工业金属切削油 A
004-18 Dust laying and absorbing composition for use on unpaved roads 未铺路面使用的吸尘和吸尘组合物 A
004-19 Fireplace logs 壁炉原木 A
004-21 Fuel for aircraft/ships 飞机/船用燃料 A
004-24 Oil for use in the preservation of masonry 砌筑保温用油 A
004-26 Petroleum jelly for industrial purposes 工业用石油冻 A
004-27 Soybean oil for use in the manufacture of paints and other coatings 用于制备油漆和其他涂料的大豆油 A
004-31 Vegetable oil for use in the manufacture of paints and/or soaps 用于制造油漆和/或肥皂的植物油 A
004-32 Wicks for oil lamps 油灯灯芯 A
004-33 Wood chips for use as fuel 用作燃料的木屑 A
004-34 Fuel for motor vehicles, namely, {indicate specific type, e.g., gasoline, diesel} 机动车燃料,即具体指明特定类型,例如汽油、柴油。 A
004-37 General purpose greases 通用润滑脂 A
004-38 Graphite lubricants 石墨润滑剂 A
004-39 Grease for machines 机器用油脂 A
004-43 Kindling 点燃 A
004-44 Lamp oil 灯油 A
004-45 Lanolin for use in the manufacture of cosmetics and ointments 用于化妆品和软膏制造的Lanolin A
004-47 Lighter fluid for charcoal 木炭打火机液 A
004-48 Lubricants for aircraft engines 航空发动机润滑剂 A
004-49 Lubricants for industrial machinery 工业机械用润滑剂 A
004-51 Mineral oil for use in the manufacture of metal cutting fluids 用于金属切削液制造的矿物油 A
004-52 Mineral oil for use in the manufacture of paint 用于制造油漆的矿物油 A
004-53 All purpose lubricants 万能润滑剂 A
004-54 Non-chemical motor oil additives 非化学机油添加剂 A
004-55 Non-chemical gasoline additives 非化学汽油添加剂 A
004-58 Petroleum based dust suppressing compositions for use in {indicate purpose, e.g., road building, sweeping, dustlaying} 用于具体指明目的的石油基抑尘组合物,例如筑路、清扫、铺尘 A
004-59 Petroleum based dust absorbing compositions for use in {indicate purpose, e.g., road building, sweeping, dustlaying} 用于具体指明目的的石油基吸尘组合物,例如筑路、清扫、铺尘 A
004-60 Colored fire torches 彩色火把 M
004-61 Patio torches 天井火炬 A
004-62 Chafing dish fuel 火锅燃料 A
004-65 Oxygen liquified hydrocarbon gas for use in torches 火炬用氧液化烃气体 A
004-66 Propane gas sold in cylinders for use in torches 在钢瓶中销售的丙烷气体用于火炬 A
004-68 Wood chips for smoking and grilling 吸烟和烧烤用木片 A
004-70 Mineral spirits for use as an accelerant 用作促进剂的矿物酒精 A
004-71 Alcohol and mixed alcohol fuel 酒精和混合醇燃料 A
004-72 Artificial fireplace logs 人造壁炉原木 A
004-73 Benzene fuel 苯燃料 A
004-74 Petroleum jelly based sealant to prevent groundwater leakage and corrosion prevention for industrial and residential use 石油冻胶基密封剂在工业和住宅中的应用 A
004-76 Linseed oil for use in the further manufacture of other items in the field of {indicate general manufacture or industry of use} 用于进一步制造其他领域中的产品的亚麻籽油{指一般制造或使用工业} A
004-77 Linseed oil for use as a lubricant 用作润滑剂的亚麻籽油 A
004-78 Industrial oil for batteries 电池用工业油 A
004-81 Firewood A
004-82 Candles 蜡烛 A
004-83 Industrial lubricants 工业润滑油 A
004-85 Kerosene 煤油 A
004-86 Scented candles 香味蜡烛 A
004-89 Coal A
004-90 Lamp oils containing insect repellent 含有驱虫剂的灯油 A
004-93 Electrical energy 电能 A
004-94 Montan wax 蒙塔蜡 A
004-95 Vegetable-based waxes for use in coating food products 食品包装用植物蜡 A
004-96 Lamp fuel 灯用燃料 A
004-97 Candle-making kits 蜡烛制作盒 A
004-98 Pellets of compressed fiber manufactured from a plant crop to be used as fuel 由用作燃料的植物作物制成的压缩纤维颗粒 A
004-100 Engine oils 发动机油 A
004-102 Fuel for lighters 打火机燃料 A
004-103 Fuel from crude oil 原油燃料 A
004-105 Gaseous fuels 气体燃料 A
004-106 Gear oils 齿轮油 A
004-107 Graphite as a lubricant 石墨作为润滑剂 A
004-108 Mineral oils and greases for industrial purposes [not for fuel] 工业用矿物油和润滑油[不用于燃料] A
004-109 Mould releasing oils 脱模油 A
004-110 Natural gas 天然气 A
004-111 Non-chemical additives for oils and fuels 石油和燃料用非化学添加剂 A
004-112 Non-mineral oils and greases for industrial purposes [not for fuel] 工业用非矿物油和润滑脂[不用于燃料] A
004-114 Artificial petroleum 人造石油 A
004-115 Aviation fuel 航空燃料 A
004-116 Candles for lighting 照明用蜡烛 A
004-117 Castor oil, not edible 蓖麻油,不可食用 M
004-118 Charcoal for use as fuel 用作燃料的木炭 M
004-119 Charcoal briquettes (tadon) 木炭块(塔顿) A
004-120 Coal gas 煤气 A
004-121 Coke 焦炭 A
004-122 Combustible briquettes [charcoal briquettes] 易燃型煤[炭块] A
004-124 Cutting oils 切削油 A
004-125 Drilling lubricants 钻井润滑剂 A
004-126 Solid fuels 固体燃料 A
004-127 Sumac wax [sumach wax] 漆树蜡[苏蜡] A
004-128 Tallow candles 牛油蜡烛 A
004-129 Waxes being raw materials 蜡为原料 M
004-131 Heating oil 加热油 A
004-132 Heavy oils 重油 A
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