第十五类: 乐器
第二十三类: 纺织用纱、线
第二十五类: 服装,鞋,帽
第三十四类: 烟草,烟具,火柴
第三十八类: 电信
第四十类: 材料处理
美国商品与服务分类 21-厨房洁具
类-编号 项目 参考译文 状态
021-6 Towel rings A
021-7 Trash cans 垃圾桶 A
021-9 Troughs 波谷 A
021-10 Trouser stretchers A
021-11 Unwrought glass 未加工玻璃 A
021-12 Urns A
021-13 Vacuum bottles 真空瓶 A
021-19 Washing boards 洗衣板 A
021-20 Washing cloths 洗衣布 A
021-22 Water troughs 水槽 A
021-24 Watering troughs for cattle 牛用浇水槽 A
021-25 Whisks 搅打 A
021-27 Window dusters 窗掸子 A
021-29 Wine bottle cradles 酒瓶架 A
021-30 Wine buckets 酒桶 A
021-31 Wine cooling pails 葡萄酒冷却桶 A
021-32 Wine jugs 酒壶 A
021-34 Wine tasters [siphons] 品酒师[虹吸] A
021-35 Wire brushes, not being machine parts 钢丝刷,不是机械零件 A
021-37 Shower caddies 淋浴球 A
021-38 Signal light glass 信号灯玻璃 A
021-39 Slotted spoons 开槽匙 A
021-40 Smoothed plate glass 平板玻璃 A
021-41 Soap boxes 肥皂盒 A
021-42 Soap brackets 肥皂支架 A
021-43 Soap containers 肥皂容器 A
021-46 Soap holders 肥皂架 A
021-47 Soup tureens 汤碗 A
021-48 Speckled glass 斑点玻璃 A
021-49 Spice racks 香料架 A
021-50 Sponge holders 海绵夹 A
021-52 Sprayers attached to garden hoses 附在花园软管上的喷雾器 A
021-53 Spun glass 旋转玻璃 A
021-54 Squeegees for dishes 餐具用刮刀 A
021-55 Squeegees for shaving brushes 剃须刀用刮刀 A
021-56 Stamped glass A
021-57 Stands for dishes A
021-58 Statues of {indicate china, crystal, ceramic, earthenware, glass, terra cotta, porcelain} M
021-59 Statuettes of {indicate china, crystal, earthenware, glass, terra cotta, porcelain} M
021-62 Stove burner covers 炉灶盖 A
021-63 Stretchers for clothing 服装担架 A
021-64 Stretchers for gloves 担架用手套 A
021-65 Sugar basins 糖盆地 A
021-66 Sun catchers 太阳捕手 A
021-67 Swizzle sticks 搅棒 A
021-68 Syrup jugs 糖浆壶 A
021-71 Tea caddies 茶叶球童 A
021-74 Tie presses 领带压机 A
021-79 Toothbrushes [electric or non-electric] 牙刷[电动或非电动] A
021-82 Pot cleaning brushes 盆栽清洁刷 A
021-85 Potties for children 儿童便壶 A
021-86 Poultry mangers 家禽饲养者 A
021-88 Poultry troughs 家禽槽 A
021-90 Preserve glasses 保护眼镜 A
021-91 Pressed glass 压制玻璃 A
021-92 Pudding molds 布丁模具 A
021-94 Reamers for fruit juice 果汁用铰刀 A
021-95 Rings for identifying birds 鸟类识别环 A
021-96 Rinsing bowls 漂洗碗 A
021-97 Rinsing pails 漂洗桶 A
021-98 Rinsing tubs 漂洗盆 A
021-99 Rolling pins 擀面杖 A
021-100 Rough brooms A
021-101 Rubber household gloves A
021-103 Salt and pepper shakers A
021-104 Salt cellars [shakers] 盐窖[摇床] A
021-108 Saucers A
021-110 Scourers for saucepans [including metal] 平底锅[包括金属]的洗涤器 A
021-112 Scraping brushes 刮刷 A
021-114 Sculptures of {indicate Class 21 material, e.g., china, crystal, earthenware, terra cotta, glass, porcelain, etc.} 雕塑类{表明21材料,例如中国,水晶,陶瓷,陶器,玻璃,瓷器等} M
021-115 Serviette holders 伺服器持有人 A
021-116 Serviette rings not of precious metal 不是贵重金属的服务环 A
021-117 Serving platters 服务盘 A
021-119 Serving spoons 服务匙 A
021-121 Shampooing syringes 洗发水注射器 A
021-122 Wood chopping blocks [utensils] 木制砧板[餐具] A
021-123 Wood chopping boards for kitchen use 厨房用木制砧板 A
021-124 Shaving dishes 刮胡子 A
021-125 Shaving pots 剃须锅 A
021-126 Shirt stretchers 衬衫担架 A
021-129 Shoe stretchers of wood 木材鞋担架 A
021-130 Non-electric trouser presses 非电动裤压机 A
021-133 Non-metal oil cans sold empty 非金属油罐空卖 A
014-133 Pillar candle plate made in whole or in part of precious metal M
021-136 Oil-feeding cans 加油罐 A
021-137 Opal glass 乳白玻璃 A
021-138 Opaline glass 乳浊玻璃 A
021-139 Ornaments of {specify china, crystal, glass, porcelain, terra cotta} [NOT including Christmas tree ornaments] {指定的中国,水晶,玻璃,瓷器装饰品,兵马俑} [不包括圣诞树上的装饰品] M
021-140 Oven to table racks 烤箱架 A
021-144 Pastry boards 糕点板 A
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