044-1 |
Rental of farming equipment |
农用设备租赁 |
M |
044-2 |
Rental of medical equipment |
医疗设备租赁 |
M |
044-6 |
Veterinary surgery |
兽医外科学 |
M |
044-7 |
Weed killing |
除草 |
M |
044-9 |
Wreath making |
花环制作 |
M |
044-17 |
Nursing care |
护理 |
M |
044-18 |
Nursing home services |
养老院服务 |
M |
044-19 |
Nutrition counseling |
营养咨询 |
M |
044-22 |
Ophthalmology services |
眼科服务 |
M |
044-25 |
Orthodontic services |
正畸服务 |
M |
044-26 |
Pet hospital services |
宠物医院服务 |
M |
044-31 |
Providing Turkish bath facilities |
提供土耳其浴室设施 |
M |
044-34 |
Psychiatric testing |
精神科测验 |
M |
044-35 |
Psychological consultation |
心理咨询 |
M |
044-37 |
Psychological testing services |
心理测试服务 |
M |
044-40 |
Rehabilitation of drug addicted patients |
吸毒成瘾者的康复 |
M |
044-42 |
Rental of agricultural equipment |
农业设备租赁 |
M |
044-43 |
Providing medical information |
提供医疗信息 |
M |
044-47 |
Hair implantation |
毛发植入 |
M |
044-55 |
Health spa services, namely, cosmetic body care services |
健康SPA服务,即美容身体护理服务 |
M |
044-62 |
Hospice services |
善终服务 |
M |
044-63 |
Hospital services |
医院服务 |
M |
044-65 |
Rest home services |
家庭休息服务 |
M |
044-70 |
Stud and breeding services for {indicate specific animal, e.g. horses, cattle} |
{具体指明特定动物(如马、牛)的种畜和繁育服务 |
M |
044-71 |
Stud services for {indicate type of animal, e.g. cattle, horses} |
{具体指明动物类型的种畜服务,例如牛、马} |
M |
044-73 |
Tattooing |
纹身 |
M |
044-76 |
Aromatherapy services |
芳香疗法服务 |
M |
044-78 |
Barbershops |
理发店 |
M |
044-80 |
Blood banks |
血库 |
M |
044-81 |
Breeding and stud services for {indicate type of animal, e.g. cattle, horses} |
{具体指明动物类型,如牛、马的育种和种畜服务} |
M |
044-82 |
Chiropractic services |
脊椎按摩服务 |
M |
044-83 |
Collection and preservation of human blood |
人血采集与保存 |
M |
044-85 |
Convalescent home services |
疗养院服务 |
M |
044-86 |
Cosmetic analysis |
化妆品分析 |
M |
044-88 |
Cosmetic dentistry |
美容牙科 |
M |
044-92 |
Physical therapy |
物理疗法 |
M |
044-100 |
Acupuncture services |
针灸服务 |
M |
044-101 |
Addiction treatment services |
成瘾治疗服务 |
M |
044-105 |
Cosmetician services |
美容服务 |
M |
044-106 |
Dental hygienist services |
牙科卫生服务 |
M |
044-119 |
Landscape gardening |
园林绿化 |
M |
044-120 |
Landscape gardening design for others |
园林绿化设计 |
M |
044-122 |
Leasing skin care equipment |
租赁护肤设备 |
M |
044-123 |
Maintaining files and records concerning the medical condition of individuals |
维护有关个人医疗状况的档案和记录 |
M |
044-125 |
Managed health care services |
管理保健服务 |
M |
044-128 |
Medical clinics |
医疗诊所 |
M |
044-133 |
Charitable services, namely, providing beauty and hair care services to persons seeking employment |
慈善服务,即为求职者提供美容和护发服务 |
X |
044-134 |
Charitable services, namely, providing medical services to underdeveloped countries |
慈善服务,即向欠发达国家提供医疗服务 |
X |
044-135 |
Dentist services |
牙医服务 |
A |
044-136 |
Spreading of fertilizers and other agricultural chemicals [may be by aerial or surface means] |
肥料和其他农用化学品的扩散[可以通过空中或表面手段进行] |
A |
044-137 |
Rental of portable toilets |
便携式厕所的租赁 |
A |
044-138 |
Medical imaging services |
医学影像服务 |
A |
044-141 |
Relaxation therapy in the nature of autogenous training |
放松训练在自我训练本质中的应用 |
A |
044-142 |
Psychological counseling services in the field of sports |
体育领域的心理咨询服务 |
X |
044-143 |
Leasing of livestock |
家畜租赁 |
A |
044-144 |
Charitable services, namely, providing first aid supplies to those in need |
慈善服务,即向有需要的人提供急救用品。 |
A |
044-145 |
Consulting services in the field of mental fitness |
心理健康领域的咨询服务 |
A |
044-146 |
Leasing of agricultural equipment |
农业设备租赁 |
A |
044-147 |
Medical clinic day care services for sick children |
患病儿童医疗诊所日间照料服务 |
A |
044-148 |
Body piercing services |
身体穿孔服务 |
A |
044-149 |
Medical assistance consultancy provided by doctors and other specialized medical personnel |
医生和其他专业医务人员提供的医疗救助咨询 |
A |
044-150 |
Medical consultations |
医疗咨询 |
A |
044-152 |
Rental of lawnmowers |
割草机出租 |
A |
044-153 |
Rental of machines and apparatus for use in beauty salons or barbers' shops |
美容院或理发店使用的机器和器具的租赁 |
A |
044-155 |
Rental of medical x-ray apparatus |
医用X射线机租赁 |
A |
044-156 |
Vermin exterminating for agriculture, aquaculture, horticulture and forestry |
用于农业、水产养殖、园艺和林业的害虫清除 |
M |
044-157 |
Weed control |
杂草防除 |
A |
044-158 |
Treatment to joint-dislocation, sprain, bone-fracture or the like (judo-seifuku) |
关节脱位、扭伤、骨折等治疗(柔道) |
A |
044-159 |
Moxibustion |
艾灸 |
A |
044-160 |
Operation of public baths for sanitary purposes |
卫生用公共浴室的运行 |
A |
044-161 |
Operation of sauna facilities |
桑拿设施的运作 |
A |
044-162 |
Performing diagnosis of diseases |
疾病诊断 |
A |
044-163 |
Psychological tests |
心理测验 |
A |
044-165 |
Information relating to massage |
按摩相关信息 |
A |
044-166 |
Rental of potted plants |
盆栽植物租赁 |
A |
044-167 |
Rental of ultrasonic diagnostic apparatus |
超声波诊断仪的租赁 |
A |
044-168 |
Services rendered by a dietician |
营养师提供的服务 |
A |
044-169 |
Surgery |
外科 |
A |
044-170 |
Medical information |
医学信息 |
A |
044-171 |
Chiropractics |
捏脊疗法 |
A |
044-172 |
Preparation and dispensing of medications |
药物配制与配制 |
A |
044-173 |
Providing bath houses |
提供浴室 |
A |
044-174 |
Acupuncture |
针灸科 |
A |
044-175 |
Ambulant medical care |
流动医疗 |
A |
044-176 |
Dentistry services |
牙科服务 |
M |
044-177 |
Dietary and nutritional guidance |
膳食营养指导 |
A |
044-178 |
Dispensing of pharmaceuticals |
药品调剂 |
A |
044-179 |
Farming equipment rental |
农业设备租赁 |
A |
044-180 |
Fertilizer spreading |
肥料撒播 |
A |
044-181 |
Garden or flower bed care |
花园或花坛护理 |
A |