第十五类: 乐器
第二十三类: 纺织用纱、线
第二十五类: 服装,鞋,帽
第三十四类: 烟草,烟具,火柴
第三十八类: 电信
第四十类: 材料处理
美国商品与服务分类 09-科学仪器
类-编号 项目 参考译文 状态
009-319 Acid hydrometers 酸性比重计 A
009-320 Actinometers 辐射计 A
009-323 Covers for telephone receivers not made of paper 非纸制电话接收机盖 A
009-324 Cruise controls for motor vehicles 汽车巡航控制器 A
009-325 Cyclotrons 回旋加速器 A
009-326 Daisy wheel printers 菊花轮打印机 A
009-327 Data processors 数据处理器 A
009-328 Decompression chambers 减压室 A
009-329 Decorative refrigerator magnets 装饰冰箱磁铁 A
009-330 Demagnetizers for magnetic tapes 磁带退磁器 A
009-333 Optical filters 滤光器 A
009-334 Optical inspection apparatus for industrial use 工业用光学检查装置 A
009-335 Optical lens sights 光学镜头瞄准器 A
009-337 Optical or telescopic lens sights 光学镜头或望远镜镜头 A
009-340 Parking meters 停车收费表 A
009-341 Particle accelerators 粒子加速器 A
009-342 Pedometers 计步器 A
009-345 Computer buffers 计算机缓冲器 A
009-346 Computer cables 计算机电缆 A
009-347 Computer chips 计算机芯片 A
009-348 Computer disc drives 计算机磁盘驱动器 A
009-349 Power supplies [electrical] 电源[电气] A
009-350 Prerecorded audio cassettes featuring {indicate subject matter} 具有具体指明标的物的预先录制的盒式磁带 A
009-351 Prerecorded audio tapes featuring {indicate subject matter} 具有具体指明主题的预先录制的录音带 A
009-353 Prerecorded video tapes featuring {indicate subject matter} 具有具体指明主题的预先录制的录像带 A
009-354 Pressure gauges 压力表 A
009-355 Pressure indicating plugs for valves 阀门用压力具体指明插头 A
009-358 Printed circuits 印制电路 A
009-359 Prisms for scientific purposes 科学用棱镜 A
009-360 Projection screens 投影银幕 A
009-362 Protective gloves for industrial use 工业用防护手套 A
009-363 Pyrometers 高温计 A
009-364 Computer terminals 计算机终端 A
009-365 Computer utility programs [program performs computer maintenance work] 计算机实用程序[程序执行计算机维护工作] A
009-367 Computers 计算机 A
009-368 Computers and instructional manuals sold as a unit 作为单位出售的计算机和教学手册 A
009-373 Acoustic conduits 声学导管 A
009-374 Compact disc players [music] 光盘播放机[音乐] M
009-376 Egg timers [mechanical or electric] 鸡蛋定时器[机械或电气] A
009-378 Electricity conduits 电力管道 M
009-379 Football helmets 橄榄球头盔 M
009-380 Insulated electrical connectors 绝缘电连接器 A
009-381 {Indicate type of helmet} helmets {头盔类型}头盔 M
009-382 Hockey helmets 曲棍球头盔 M
009-383 Blank magnetic computer tapes 空白磁性计算机磁带 A
009-384 Cabinets for loudspeakers 扬声器柜 M
009-385 Catchers' helmets 捕手头盔 M
009-386 Chin straps for football helmets 足球头盔的下巴带 M
009-387 Chronographs for use as specialized time recording apparatuses 用作专用时间记录装置的年代记录仪 A
009-388 Circuit breakers 断路器 M
009-389 Baseball batting helmets 棒球击球头盔 M
009-390 Arm rests for use with computers 手臂可供电脑使用 A
009-394 Electric outlet covers 电插座盖 A
009-395 Electric fences 电篱笆 A
009-396 Commutators 整流器 A
009-397 Video magazine recorded on electronic media featuring {indicate subject matter} 电子杂志上录制的主题为“具体指明标的物”的视频杂志 M
009-402 Wind socks for indicating wind direction and intensity [NOTE: Toy or decorative wind socks are in Cl. 28] A
009-404 Disposable plastic gloves for laboratory use 实验室用一次性塑料手套 X
009-405 Disposable latex gloves for laboratory use 实验室用一次性乳胶手套 X
009-406 Water ski safety vests 滑水安全背心 A
009-407 Beakers [laboratory glassware] 烧杯[实验室玻璃器皿] A
009-409 Support belts for workers 工人用支撑带 A
009-410 Pipettes [laboratory instruments] 移液管[实验室仪器] A
009-412 Personal security alarms 个人安全警报 A
009-418 Electrical power extension cords 电力延长线 A
009-419 Audio speakers 音频扬声器 A
009-420 Timing sensors 定时传感器 A
009-422 Holders for compact discs 光盘用支架 A
009-424 Lighting ballasts 照明镇流器 A
009-425 Jackets for computer disks 计算机磁盘用夹克 A
009-426 Ticket canceling machines 取消票机 A
009-427 Fuses for automobiles 汽车保险丝 A
009-428 Magnetically encoded debit cards 磁编码借记卡 M
009-429 Computer joystick peripherals 电脑操纵杆外围设备 M
009-430 Timing dials 定时拨号盘 A
009-431 Electronic publications, namely, {indicate specific type of publication, e.g., book, magazine, manual} featuring {indicate subject matter} recorded on computer media 电子出版物,即{具体指明特定类型的出版物,例如图书、杂志、手册},其特征是在计算机媒体上记录的具体指明标的物 A
009-433 Electronic effect pedals for use with sound amplifiers 声音放大器用电子效应踏板 A
009-434 Jumper cables 跨接电缆 A
009-435 Jackets for video cassettes 盒式录像带夹克 A
009-437 Memory cards [computer hardware] 存储卡[计算机硬件] A
009-440 Microprocessors [computer hardware] 微处理器[计算机硬件] A
009-441 Video recordings featuring {specify subject matter, e.g., music, self-improvement help, mathematics instruction} A
009-442 Transistors [electrical apparatus] 晶体管[电气设备] A
009-447 Communications servers [computer hardware] 通信服务器[计算机硬件] A
009-449 Protractors 伸长器 M
009-450 Safety products, namely, reflective helmet skirts 安全产品,即反射式头盔裙部 A
009-451 Safety products, namely, reflective safety bands to be worn on the body 安全产品,即在身体上佩戴的反射安全带 A
009-452 Power line conditioners 电力线调节器 A
009-454 Video game tape cassettes 电子游戏磁带盒 M
009-455 Walkie-talkies 对讲机 A
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