
【第二十一类】 家庭或厨房用具及容器(非贵重金属所制,也非镀有贵重金属的),梳子及海棉,刷子(画笔除外),制刷材料,清扫用具,钢丝绒,未加工或半加工玻璃(建筑用玻璃除外),不属别类的玻璃器皿、瓷器及陶

组别 项目编号 项目名称(中文) 项目名称(英文)
Z2106 210006 搓衣板 Washing boards
Z2106 210012 浇水软管用喷嘴 Nozzles for sprinkler hose
Z2106 210013 洒水设备 Sprinkling devices 或 Watering devices
Z2106 210015 洒水器 Sprinklers
Z2106 210016 喷壶 Watering cans
Z2106 210023 水桶 Buckets 或 Pails
Z2106 210023 提桶 Buckets 或 Pails
Z2106 210027 喷管 Spouts
Z2106 210036 纸巾盒 Dispensing paper towels (Metal boxes for —) 或 Boxes of metal, for dispensing paper towels
Z2106 210037 肥皂盒 Boxes (Soap —) 或 Soap boxes
Z2106 210041 脱靴器 Boot jacks 或 Jacks (Boot —)
Z2106 210061 家用细筛 Sifters [household utensils]
Z2106 210067 煤渣用筛(家用器皿) Cinder sifters [household utensils]
Z2106 210093 熨衣板套(成形的) Ironing board covers, shaped
Z2106 210094 领带压平器 Tie presses
Z2106 210097 筛(家用器具) Sieves [household utensils]
Z2106 210106 洗涤桶 Washtubs
Z2106 210112 熨斗架 Flat-iron stands 或 Stands (Flat-iron —)
Z2106 210116 卫生纸分配器 Toilet paper dispensers
Z2106 210117 肥皂分配器 Dispensers (Soap —) 或 Soap dispensers
Z2106 210120 鞋楦(撑具) Boot trees [stretchers] 或 Shoe trees [stretchers]
Z2106 210126 洗衣用晾衣架 Drying racks for washing
Z2106 210127 纺织品制桶 Fabrics (Buckets made of woven —)
Z2106 210132 花和植物用固定物(插花用具) Holders for flowers and plants [flower arranging]
Z2106 210133 花盆 Pots (Flower —) 或 Flower pots
Z2106 210139 家用除烟器 Smoke absorbers for household purposes
Z2106 210141 手套撑具 Stretchers (Glove —) 或 Glove stretchers
Z2106 210171 压裤器 Trouser presses 或 Presses (Trouser —)
Z2106 210179 熨衣板 Boards (Ironing —) 或 Ironing boards
Z2106 210183 喷水壶喷头 Nozzles for watering cans 或 Roses for watering cans
Z2106 210183 喷壶莲蓬头 Nozzles for watering cans 或 Roses for watering cans
Z2106 210190 花瓶 Vases
Z2106 210191 肥皂碟 Dishes for soap 或 Soap holders
Z2106 210191 肥皂架 Dishes for soap 或 Soap holders
Z2106 210192 便壶 Chamber pots
Z2106 210194 垃圾箱 Refuse bins 或 Garbage cans 或 Dustbins 或 Bins (Dust —) 或 Trash cans
Z2106 210194 垃圾桶 Refuse bins 或 Garbage cans 或 Dustbins 或 Bins (Dust —) 或 Trash cans
Z2106 210206 浇花和植物用洒水器 Sprinklers for watering flowers and plants 或 Syringes for watering flowers and plants
Z2106 210206 浇花和植物用喷水器 Sprinklers for watering flowers and plants 或 Syringes for watering flowers and plants
Z2106 210213 鞋拔 Shoe horns
Z2106 210221 衣服撑架 Clothing stretchers 或 Stretchers for clothing
Z2106 210223 纽扣钩 Buttonhooks
Z2106 210224 存钱罐 Piggy banks
Z2106 210225 盥洗室器具 Toilet utensils
Z2106 210233 非医用喷雾器 Aerosol dispensers, not for medical purposes
Z2106 210242 烛环 Candle rings
Z2106 210245 蜡烛架(烛台) Candelabra [candlesticks] 或 Candlesticks
Z2106 210245 烛台 Candelabra [candlesticks] 或 Candlesticks
Z2106 210253 非纸制花盆套 Covers, not of paper, for flower pots 或 Flower-pot covers, not of paper
Z2106 210277 个人用除臭装置 Deodorising apparatus for personal use
Z2106 210295 熄烛器 Candle extinguishers
Z2106 210301 婴儿浴盆(便携式) Baths (Baby —), portable 或 Baby baths, portable
Z2106 210313 衣夹 Clothes-pins 或 Clothes-pegs
Z2106 210329 清理堵塞排水管用手压皮碗 Plungers for clearing blocked drains
Z2106 210334 毛巾架和毛巾挂环 Towel rails and rings 或 Rails and rings for towels 或 Rings (Rails and —) for towels
Z2106 210339 拖把绞干器 Mop wringers
Z2106 210341 窗台花箱 Window-boxes
Z2106 210347 靴楦(撑具) boot trees [stretchers]
Z2106 C210031 痰盂 spitbox
Z2106 210056 薰香炉 Burners (Perfume —) 或 Perfume burners
Z2106 C210055 祭祀容器
Z2106 C210057 香炉
Z2106 210352 蜡烛罐
Z2106 暂无 玻璃烛台
Z2106 暂无 防风烛台
Z2106 暂无 挂墙式肥皂碟
Z2106 暂无 花盆碟
Z2106 暂无 花盆托架
Z2106 暂无 家用餐巾纸盒
Z2106 暂无 家用煤斗
Z2106 暂无 晾衣架
Z2106 暂无 鞋撑
Z2106 暂无 抓痒器
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