
【第二十一类】 家庭或厨房用具及容器(非贵重金属所制,也非镀有贵重金属的),梳子及海棉,刷子(画笔除外),制刷材料,清扫用具,钢丝绒,未加工或半加工玻璃(建筑用玻璃除外),不属别类的玻璃器皿、瓷器及陶

组别 项目编号 项目名称(中文) 项目名称(英文)
Z2101 210326 搅拌匙(厨房用具) Mixing spoons [kitchen utensils]
Z2101 210327 面条机(手动) Noodle machines, hand-operated
Z2101 210328 切糕点器 Pastry cutters
Z2101 210330 刮板(厨房用具) Spatulas [kitchen utensils]
Z2101 210332 蒜压榨器(厨房用具) Presses (Garlic —) [kitchen utensils] 或 Garlic presses [kitchen utensils]
Z2101 210346 烘焙垫 baking mats
Z2101 210350 接油盘 dripping pans
Z2101 C210001 铁锅 ironpan
Z2101 C210002 铁壶 ironkettle
Z2101 C210003 炒勺
Z2101 C210004 铁桶 metalpail
Z2101 C210005 蒸屉 boilingdrawer
Z2101 C210006 笼屉 cagedrawer
Z2101 C210007 笊篱 fence
Z2101 C210009 铁镬 ironbraiser
Z2101 C210010 箩斗 bamboobasketcloak
Z2101 C210011 纱罩 yarncover
Z2101 C210012 箩底 buttombamboobasket
Z2101 C210013 煤气火锅 coalgaschafingdish
Z2101 C210014 铁丝筛子 ironthreadsifter
Z2101 C210017 冰棍棒 forzensuckerstick
Z2101 C210018 冰淇淋夹勺
Z2101 210025 盆(容器) Basins [receptacles]
Z2101 210030 黄油碟 Butter dishes 或 Dishes (Butter —)
Z2101 210057 调味瓶 Cruets
Z2101 210140 午餐盒 Mess-tins
Z2101 210153 Pots
Z2101 210031 黄油碟罩 Butter-dish covers
Z2101 210039 盆(碗) Basins [bowls] 或 Bowls [basins]
Z2101 210039 Basins [bowls] 或 Bowls [basins]
Z2101 210045 Bottles
Z2101 210089 水果杯 Fruit cups 或 Cups (Fruit —)
Z2101 210122 调味品套瓶 Spice sets
Z2101 210154 蔬菜盘 Vegetable dishes
Z2101 210159 家用器皿 Utensils for household purposes
Z2101 210160 面包屑盘 Crumb trays
Z2101 210165 蛋杯 Egg cups 或 Cups (Egg —)
Z2101 210173 纸盘 Paper plates 或 Plates (Paper —)
Z2101 210180 家用纸托盘 Trays for domestic purposes, of paper
Z2101 210185 胡椒瓶 Pepper pots
Z2101 210199 家用或厨房用容器 Containers for household or kitchen use
Z2101 210203 色拉碗 Salad bowls
Z2101 210214 汤碗 Soup bowls
Z2101 210220 Cups
Z2101 210226 Urns*
Z2101 210204 盐瓶 Salt cellars 或 Salt shakers
Z2101 210207 成套杯、碗、碟 Services [dishes]
Z2101 210208 Dishes
Z2101 210235 Table plates
Z2101 210244 糖果盒 Boxes for sweetmeats 或 Candy boxes
Z2101 210265 奶酪盘罩 Cheese-dish covers
Z2101 210267 家用托盘 Trays for domestic purposes
Z2101 210269 碟罩 Covers for dishes 或 Dish covers
Z2101 210271 水壶 Pitchers 或 Jugs
Z2101 210271 水瓶 Pitchers 或 Jugs
Z2101 210272 厨房容器 Kitchen containers
Z2101 210289 长颈瓶 Flasks
Z2101 210292 油和醋用调味套瓶 Cruet stands for oil and vinegar 或 Oil cruets
Z2101 210318 纸或塑料杯 Cups of paper or plastic
Z2101 210325 饭盒 Lunch boxes
Z2101 210017 面包篮(家用) Bread baskets, domestic
Z2101 210064 菜单卡片夹 Menu card holders
Z2101 210333 一次性盘子 Disposable table plates 或 Table plates (Disposable —)
Z2101 C210015 日用搪瓷塑料器皿(包括盆、碗、盘、壶、杯) porcelainenamelplasti cutensils
Z2101 C210016 磁疗杯 magneticialcup
Z2101 210043 开塞钻(电或非电) Corkscrews
Z2101 210049 烹饪用金属扦 Cooking skewers, of metal 或 Pins of metal (Cooking —)
Z2101 210065 炖锅 Stew-pans
Z2101 210070 Cauldrons 大锅
Z2101 210079 模子(厨房器具) Moulds [kitchen utensils] 或 Molds [kitchen utensils]
Z2101 210082 鸡尾酒调酒器 Shakers 或 Mixers, manual [cocktail shakers]
Z2101 210084 胶锅 Glue-pots
Z2101 210088 家用过滤器 Strainers for household purposes
Z2101 210090 桌用刀架 Knife rests for the table
Z2101 210091 壶盖塞 Closures for pot lids
Z2101 210092 锅盖 Pot lids
Z2101 210096 家用非电动搅拌机 Blenders, non-electric, for household purposes
Z2101 210101 烹饪锅 Cooking pots
Z2101 210102 勺形铲(餐具) Scoops [tableware]
Z2101 210103 烹调用模 Cookery molds [moulds]
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