
【第二十五类】 服装,鞋,帽

组别 项目编号 项目名称(中文) 项目名称(英文)
Z2501 250010 工装裤 Smocks 或 Overalls
Z2501 250010 工作服 Smocks 或 Overalls
Z2501 250034 毛衣 Sweaters
Z2501 250034 套头衫 Sweaters
Z2501 250042 衬衫 Shirts
Z2501 250044 短袖衬衫 Short-sleeve shirts
Z2501 250045 服装 Clothing *
Z2501 250049 裘皮服装 Furs [clothing]
Z2501 250056 套服 Suits
Z2501 250057 成品衣 Ready-made clothing
Z2501 250063 马裤(穿着) Breeches for wear
Z2501 250064 裤子 Trousers
Z2501 250066 外套 Outerclothing
Z2501 250071 针织服装 Knitwear [clothing]
Z2501 250077 华达呢(服装) Gabardines [clothing]
Z2501 250082 马甲 Waistcoats 或 Vests
Z2501 250086 上衣 Coats
Z2501 250090 裙子 Skirts
Z2501 250093 仆侍人员、行会会员等穿的制服 Liveries
Z2501 250094 运动衫 Singlets 或 Sports jerseys
Z2501 250096 围裙(衣服) Aprons [clothing]
Z2501 250103 皮制长外衣 Pelisses
Z2501 250109 连衣裙 Dresses
Z2501 250115 大衣 Coats (Top —) 或 Topcoats 或 Overcoats
Z2501 250115 轻便大衣 Coats (Top —) 或 Topcoats 或 Overcoats
Z2501 250117 宽外袍 Togas
Z2501 250119 制服 Uniforms
Z2501 250120 呢绒夹克(服装) Stuff jackets [clothing] 或 Jackets (Stuff —) [clothing]
Z2501 250121 夹克(服装) Jackets [clothing]
Z2501 250122 纸衣服 Paper clothing
Z2501 250143 带兜帽的风雪大衣 Parkas
Z2501 250150 仿皮服装 Clothing of imitations of leather 或 Leather (Clothing of imitations of —)
Z2501 250151 皮衣 Leather (Clothing of —) 或 Clothing of leather
Z2501 250154 莎丽服 Saris
Z2501 250155 T恤衫 Tee-shirts
Z2501 250159 钓鱼背心 Vests (Fishing —) 或 Fishing vests
Z2501 250164 裙裤 Skorts
Z2501 250165 斗篷 Ponchos
Z2501 250166 纱笼 Sarongs
Z2501 250168 紧腿裤(裤子) Leggings [trousers]
Z2501 250169 无袖罩裙 Jumper dresses 或 Pinafore dresses
Z2501 250171 女式内裤 knickers 或 panties
Z2501 250172 背心式紧身运动衣 sports singlets
Z2501 250022 女用背心 Camisoles
Z2501 250023 平脚短裤 Drawers [clothing] 或 Pants
Z2501 250025 紧身围腰(女内衣) Bodices [lingerie]
Z2501 250026 内衣 Underclothing 或 Linen (Body —) [garments] 或 Underwear
Z2501 250033 睡袍 Dressing gowns 或 Gowns (Dressing —)
Z2501 250051 紧身衣裤 Tights
Z2501 250053 连裤内衣 Combinations [clothing]
Z2501 250054 吸汗内衣 Underclothing (Anti-sweat —) 或 Underwear (Anti-sweat —) 或 Sweat-absorbent underclothing [underwear]
Z2501 250055 胸衣 Corselets
Z2501 250078 紧身胸衣(内衣) Corsets [underclothing]
Z2501 250082 背心 Waistcoats 或 Vests
Z2501 250089 紧身内衣(服装) Jerseys [clothing]
Z2501 250104 海滨浴场用衣 Beach clothes
Z2501 250108 睡衣裤 Pyjamas 或 Pajamas (Am.)
Z2501 250108 睡衣 Pyjamas 或 Pajamas (Am.)
Z2501 250112 内裤 Underpants
Z2501 250114 乳罩 Brassieres
Z2501 250127 浴衣 Robes (Bath —) 或 Bath robes
Z2501 250144 衬裙 Petticoats
Z2501 250146 带肩带的女式长内衣(内衣) Slips [undergarments]
Z2501 250147 妇女连衫衬裤(内衣) Teddies [undergarments]
Z2501 250017 护衣汗垫 Dress shields 或 Shields (Dress —)
Z2501 250020 衣领(衣服) Collars [clothing] 或 Shoulder wraps
Z2501 250043 衬衫前胸 Shirt fronts
Z2501 250050 可拆的衣领 Detachable collars
Z2501 250068 成品衬里(服装的一部分) Linings (Ready-made —) [parts of clothing] 或 Ready-made linings [parts of clothing]
Z2501 250072 衬衫抵肩 Yokes (Shirt —) 或 Shirt yokes
Z2501 250095 袖口 Cuffs 或 Wristbands [clothing]
Z2501 250095 袖口(衣服) Cuffs 或 Wristbands [clothing]
Z2501 250106 服装口袋 Pockets for clothing
Z2501 C250001 风衣 dustcoat
Z2501 C250002 羽绒服装 downcloth
Z2501 C250003 旗袍 cheong-sam
Z2501 C250004 妇女腹带 wamenbellyband
Z2501 C250005 童装 childcloth
Z2501 C250006 磁疗衣 specialfunctionaldres s(magnetism,infrared)
Z2501 C250007 胸罩衬垫(胸衬、胸垫) brapad(chestliner,che stpat)
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