
【第七类】 机器和机床,马达和发动机(陆地车辆用的除外),机器传动用联轴节和传动机件(陆地车辆用的除外),非手动农业工具,卵化器

组别 项目编号 项目名称(中文) 项目名称(英文)
Z0742 070040 罩套(机器部件) Housings [parts of machines]
Z0742 070041 机械台架 Stands for machines
Z0742 070062 攻丝机 Threading machines
Z0742 070075 外壳(机器部件) Cowlings [parts of machines] 或 Guards [parts of machines] 或 Hoods [parts of machines]
Z0742 070075 防护装置(机器部件) Cowlings [parts of machines] 或 Guards [parts of machines] 或 Hoods [parts of machines]
Z0742 070090 铣床 Milling machines
Z0742 070092 吊架(机器部件) Hangers [parts of machines]
Z0742 070098 车床 Lathes [machine tools]
Z0742 070104 弯曲机 Bending machines
Z0742 070122 剪削刀(机器) Clippers [machines]
Z0742 070146 切割机 Cutting machines
Z0742 070167 冲切攻丝机 Die-cutting and tapping machines 或 Nut-tapping machines
Z0742 070167 螺母攻丝机 Die-cutting and tapping machines 或 Nut-tapping machines
Z0742 070176 进料器(机器部件) Feeders [parts of machines]
Z0742 070183 金属拉丝机 Metal drawing machines
Z0742 070189 刀片(机器部件) Blades [parts of machines]
Z0742 070193 精加工机器 Finishing machines
Z0742 070194 夹盘(机器部件) Chucks [parts of machines]
Z0742 070198 填料箱(机器部件) Stuffing boxes [parts of machines]
Z0742 070208 开槽机(机床) Notchers [machine tools]
Z0742 070225 磨刀机 Blade sharpening [stropping] machines 或 Stropping machines
Z0742 070243 机床 Machine tools
Z0742 070263 磨床 Crushing machines 或 Grinding machines 或 Rammers [machines]
Z0742 070285 刀具(机器零件) Tools [parts of machines]
Z0742 070286 机床用夹持装置 Holding devices for machine tools 或 Tools (Holding devices for machine —)
Z0742 070308 抛光机器和设备(电动的) Polishing (Machines and apparatus for —) [electric]
Z0742 070359 机器台 Tables for machines
Z0742 070360 机器防护挡板(机器部件) Aprons [parts of machines] 或 Carriage aprons
Z0742 070360 机床防护板 Aprons [parts of machines] 或 Carriage aprons
Z0742 070387 磨利机 Sharpening machines
Z0742 070389 砂轮(机器部件) Grindstones [parts of machines] 或 Sharpening wheels [parts of machines]
Z0742 070389 磨刀轮(机器部件) Grindstones [parts of machines] 或 Sharpening wheels [parts of machines]
Z0742 070421 自动操作机(机械手) Handling machines, automatic [manipulators]
Z0742 070422 机器人(机械) Robots [machines]
Z0742 070428 钻头夹盘(机器部件) Drill chucks [parts of machines]
Z0742 070448 刻度机 Dividing machines
Z0742 070449 钻头(机器部件) Drilling bits [parts of machines]
Z0742 070484 链锯 Chain saws
Z0742 070486 气动切削吹管 Cutting blow pipes, gas-operated
Z0742 070494 划玻璃刀(机器部件) Glaziers' diamonds [parts of machines]
Z0742 C070296 制钢丝绳机 makingsteelropemachin e
Z0742 C070297 织铜网机 knittingcoppernetmach ine
Z0742 C070298 金属丝织机 tinselplaitfacility
Z0742 C070299 钻床 drillpress
Z0742 C070300 汽门与汽门座研磨机 portholeandportholema tmuller
Z0742 C070301 滚齿机 trundletoothmachine
Z0742 C070302 开齿机 openingmachine
Z0742 C070303 螺帽攻丝机 screwcaptapmachine
Z0742 C070304 螺栓套丝机 boltknotthreadmachine
Z0742 C070305 镗床 boringlathe
Z0742 C070306 刨床 planer
Z0742 C070307 制钉机 nailmachine
Z0742 C070309 车刀 lathetool
Z0742 C070310 孔加工刀具 apertureknifetool
Z0742 C070311 铣刀 millingcutter
Z0742 C070312 螺纹加工刀具 screwthreadprocesskni fe
Z0742 C070313 齿轮加工刀具 gearprocessknife
Z0742 C070314 拉削刀具 broackingknifetool
Z0742 C070315 带锯 bandsaw
Z0742 C070316 圆锯片(机器零件) fretsawslice
Z0742 C070317 龙锯 imperialsaw
Z0742 C070318 截锯(机器零件) cutsaw
Z0742 C070319 往复锯 to-and-frosaw
Z0742 C070394 气铣 AirMill
Z0742 C070438 刀座(机器部件) Bladeholders[partsofm achines]
Z0742 C070291 制造电线、电缆用机械 manufacturedlectrical wire
Z0742 C070292 拉线机 pullthreadmachine
Z0742 C070293 绕线机(加工电线、电缆用机械)
Z0742 C070294 装铠机
Z0742 070075 机罩(机器部件) Cowlings [parts of machines] 或 Guards [parts of machines] 或 Hoods [parts of machines]
Z0742 070080 刀(机器部件) Knives [parts of machines]
Z0742 暂无 齿轮切削和修整机
Z0742 暂无 电动链锯
Z0742 暂无 电锯
Z0742 暂无 工具磨床
Z0742 暂无 机锯
Z0742 暂无 渐开线磨床
Z0742 暂无 金属加工用珩磨机
Z0742 暂无 金属加工用机床
Z0742 暂无 金属锯床
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