
【第三类】 洗衣用漂白剂及其他物料,清洁、擦亮、去渍及研磨用制剂,肥皂,香料,香精油,化妆品,发水, 牙膏

组别 项目编号 项目名称(中文) 项目名称(英文)
Z0302 030022 白垩粉 Whiting
Z0302 030075 非生产操作用、非医用的去污剂 Detergents other than for use in manufacturing operations and for medical purposes
Z0302 030038 清洁用火山灰 Ash (Volcanic —) for cleaning 或 Volcanic ash for cleaning
Z0302 030067 清洁用白垩 Chalk (Cleaning —) 或 Cleaning chalk
Z0302 030068 去污剂 Stain removers
Z0302 030072 清洗用洗涤碱 Washing soda, for cleaning
Z0302 030076 擦洗溶液 Scouring solutions
Z0302 030077 非生产过程中用的脱脂剂 Degreasers other than for use in manufacturing processes
Z0302 030083 家用抗静电剂 Antistatic preparations for household purposes
Z0302 030085 去漆剂 Lacquer-removing preparations
Z0302 030087 去色剂 Color-removing preparations 或 Colour-removing preparations
Z0302 030089 次氯酸钾 Hypochloride (Potassium —) 或 Javelle water
Z0302 030104 清洁制剂 Cleaning preparations
Z0302 030117 清洁用油 Oils for cleaning purposes
Z0302 030126 挡风玻璃清洗剂 Windscreen cleaning liquids 或 Windshield cleaning liquids
Z0302 030138 墙纸洗涤剂 Wallpaper cleaning preparations
Z0302 030153 苏打碱液 Soda lye
Z0302 030157 脱脂用松节油 Turpentine, for degreasing
Z0302 030158 除蜡用松节油 Oil of turpentine for degreasing
Z0302 030167 氨水(挥发性碱)(去污剂) Alkali (Volatile —) [ammonia] [detergent] 或 Ammonia [volatile alkali] [detergent] 或 Volatile alkali [ammonia] [detergent]
Z0302 030167 挥发碱(氨水)(去污剂) Alkali (Volatile —) [ammonia] [detergent] 或 Ammonia [volatile alkali] [detergent] 或 Volatile alkali [ammonia] [detergent]
Z0302 030168 明矾石(收敛剂) Alum stones [astringents]
Z0302 030170 除锈制剂 Rust removing preparations
Z0302 030179 去颜料制剂 Paint stripping preparations
Z0302 030195 疏通下水道制剂 Unblocking drain pipes (Preparations for —)
Z0302 030206 地蜡清除剂(刷净剂) Floor wax removers [scouring preparations] 或 Removers (Floor wax —) [scouring preparations]
Z0302 030209 用于清洁和除尘的罐装压缩空气 Air (Canned pressurized —) for cleaning and dusting purposes 或 Canned pressurized air for cleaning and dusting purposes
Z0302 030211 浸清洁剂的清洁布 Cloths impregnated with a detergent for cleaning
Z0302 030214 洗碗机用催干剂 Drying agents for dishwashing machines
Z0302 C030013 硅清洁剂 silicondetergent
Z0302 C030014 厕所清洗剂 toiletdetergent
Z0302 C030015 玻璃擦净剂 glassrub-upliquit
Z0302 C030016 去蜡水 removecereliquid
Z0302 C030017 去油剂 removeoilliquid
Z0302 C030018 去渍剂 removesearliquid
Z0302 C030019 去油渍油 remove oil-sear liquid
Z0302 C030020 去雾水 removemistliquid
Z0302 C030021 去污粉 decontaminationpowder
Z0302 C030022 地毯清洗剂 carpetdetergent
Z0302 C030068 洗洁精
Z0302 暂无 浸有清洁制剂的纸巾
Z0302 暂无 汽车用清洁剂
Z0302 暂无 杀菌清洁剂
Z0302 暂无 预润湿浸渍餐具洗涤剂的纸巾
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