
【第十六类】 不属别类的纸、纸板及其制品,印刷品,装订用品,照片,文具用品,文具或家庭用粘合剂,美术用品,画笔,打字机和办公用品(家俱除外),教育或教学用品(仪器除外),包装用塑料物品(不属别类的),印刷铅字,印版

组别 项目编号 项目名称(中文) 项目名称(英文)
Z1605 160013 影集 Albums 或 Scrapbooks
Z1605 160013 剪贴集 Albums 或 Scrapbooks
Z1605 160038 Tickets
Z1605 160041 绘画便笺簿 Drawing pads
Z1605 160042 便笺本 Pads [stationery]
Z1605 160046 小册子 Pamphlets
Z1605 160047 绣花图样(纸样) Embroidery designs [patterns]
Z1605 160058 笔记本或绘图本 Writing or drawing books
Z1605 160061 描图图样 Tracing patterns
Z1605 160068 笔记本 Note books
Z1605 160070 卡片 Cards * 或 Charts
Z1605 160070 图表 Cards * 或 Charts
Z1605 160072 索引卡片(文具) Index cards [stationery]
Z1605 160074 纸张(文具) Paper sheets [stationery]
Z1605 160077 提花机穿孔卡 Jacquard looms (Perforated cards for —) 或 Perforated cards for Jacquard looms
Z1605 160080 目录册 Catalogues
Z1605 160081 索引卡标签条 Tags for index cards
Z1605 160101 函件格 Letter trays
Z1605 160121 印刷图表 Graphic prints
Z1605 160127 信封(文具) Envelopes [stationery]
Z1605 160137 纹章牌(纸封签) Shields [paper seals]
Z1605 160153 分类账本 Ledgers [books]
Z1605 160154 索引卡片 Indexes
Z1605 160158 表格(印刷好的) Forms, printed
Z1605 160167 复制图 Graphic reproductions 或 Reproductions (Graphic —)
Z1605 160174 明信片 Postcards
Z1605 160175 印刷品 Printed matter
Z1605 160180 手册 Manuals [handbooks] 或 Handbooks [manuals]
Z1605 160182 写字纸 Writing paper
Z1605 160189 小册子(手册) Booklets
Z1605 160192 复写本(文具) Manifolds [stationery]
Z1605 160206 封条 Sealing wafers
Z1605 160223 蓝图 Plans 或 Blueprints
Z1605 160223 平面图 Plans 或 Blueprints
Z1605 160249 书签 Bookmarkers
Z1605 160250 贺卡 Greeting cards
Z1605 160269 日历(年历) Almanacs
Z1605 160270 日历 Calendars
Z1605 160284 通知卡片(文具) Announcement cards [stationery]
Z1605 160286 旗(纸制) Flags of paper
Z1605 160303 临摹用字帖 Handwriting specimens for copying
Z1605 160308 非纺织品标签 Labels, not of textile
Z1605 160336 音乐贺卡 Musical greeting cards
Z1605 160354 非游戏用集换式卡片 Trading cards other than for games
Z1605 160360 传单 Flyers
Z1605 C160045 稿纸 paperformakingmanuscr ipt
Z1605 C160046 口取纸 kouqupaper
Z1605 C160048 名片 businesscard
Z1605 C160049 请帖 invitationcard
Z1605 C160050 证书 certificate
Z1605 C160051 练习本 exercisebook
Z1605 160016 雪茄烟用套环 Cigar bands
Z1605 160078 硬纸管 Cardboard tubes 或 Tubes (Cardboard —)
Z1605 160155 纸制小雕像 Figurines [statuettes] of papier maché
Z1605 C160047 纸制声管 papermadetonepipe
Z1605 C160052 皮制行李标签 leathemadelabel
Z1605 暂无 空白的活页挂图
Z1605 暂无 票据簿
Z1605 暂无 收藏用集换式卡片
Z1605 暂无 贴花纸
Z1605 暂无 通信卡片
Z1605 暂无 印刷的活页挂图
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