
【第十一类】 照明、加温、蒸汽、烹调、冷藏、干燥、通风、供水以及卫生设备装置

组别 项目编号 项目名称(中文) 项目名称(英文)
Z1101 110212 运载工具用光反射镜 Vehicle reflectors 或 Reflectors (Vehicle —)
Z1101 110229 运载工具用照明装置 Lighting apparatus for vehicles 或 Vehicles (Lighting apparatus for —)
Z1101 110249 运载工具用防眩光装置(灯配件) Anti-glare devices for vehicles [lamp fittings] 或 Vehicles (Anti-dazzle devices for —) [lamp fittings]
Z1101 110255 汽车转向指示器用灯 Lamps for directional signals of automobiles
Z1101 110256 汽车灯 Automobile lights 或 Lights for automobiles
Z1101 110158 烫发用灯 Curling lamps
Z1101 110021 灯泡 Light bulbs
Z1101 110022 电灯泡 Light bulbs, electric
Z1101 110023 弧光灯 Arc lamps
Z1101 110024 电灯 Electric lamps 或 Lamps (Electric —)
Z1101 110040 Lamps
Z1101 110042 灯罩 Lamp casings 或 Lamp mantles
Z1101 110043 白炽灯 Burners (Incandescent —) 或 Incandescent burners
Z1101 110051 便携式探照灯 Pocket searchlights 或 Pocket torches, electric 或 Torches (Pocket —), electric
Z1101 110051 袖珍手电筒 Pocket searchlights 或 Pocket torches, electric 或 Torches (Pocket —), electric
Z1101 110072 弧光灯碳棒 Carbon for arc lamps
Z1101 110091 玻璃灯罩 Lamp glasses
Z1101 110111 照明用放电管 Discharge tubes, electric, for lighting 或 Tubes (Discharge —), electric, for lighting
Z1101 110118 灯光漫射器 Diffusers (Light —) 或 Light diffusers
Z1101 110122 电灯灯头 Sockets for electric lights
Z1101 110130 照明器械及装置 Lighting apparatus and installations
Z1101 110133 枝形吊灯 Chandeliers
Z1101 110136 顶灯 Ceiling lights
Z1101 110145 电灯丝 Filaments for electric lamps
Z1101 110148 照明灯(曳光管) Flares
Z1101 110169 球形灯罩 Lamp globes 或 Lamps (Globes for —)
Z1101 110176 实验室灯 Laboratory lamps
Z1101 110182 安全灯 Safety lamps
Z1101 110183 灯光反射镜 Lamp reflectors 或 Reflectors (Lamp —)
Z1101 110185 灯笼 Fairy lights for festive decoration 或 Chinese lanterns
Z1101 110185 节日装饰彩色小灯 Fairy lights for festive decoration 或 Chinese lanterns
Z1101 110189 照明用发光管 Luminous tubes for lighting 或 Tubes (Luminous —) for lighting
Z1101 110190 照明用镁丝 Filaments (Magnesium —) for lighting 或 Magnesium filaments for lighting
Z1101 110192 矿灯 Miners' lamps
Z1101 110195 圣诞树用电灯 Christmas trees (Electric lights for —) 或 Lights, electric, for Christmas trees
Z1101 110196 发光门牌 Luminous house numbers 或 House numbers (Luminous —)
Z1101 110202 手电筒 Flashlights [torches] 或 Searchlights 或 Torches for lighting
Z1101 110202 探照灯 Flashlights [torches] 或 Searchlights 或 Torches for lighting
Z1101 110237 灯光遮罩 Lamp shades
Z1101 110238 灯罩座 Lampshade holders
Z1101 110263 路灯 Street lamps 或 Standard lamps
Z1101 110309 水族池照明灯 Aquarium lights
Z1101 110322 潜水灯 Lights (Diving —) 或 Diving lights
Z1101 110333 发光二极管(LED)照明器具 Light-emitting diodes [LED] lighting apparatus
Z1101 C110001 舞台灯具 stagelampsandlanterns
Z1101 C110002 照相用回光灯 photoreturninglight
Z1101 C110003 日光灯管 fluorescentlamptube
Z1101 110007 空中运载工具用照明设备 Air vehicles (Lighting installations for —) 或 Lighting installations for air vehicles
Z1101 110027 运载工具用灯 Lights for vehicles 或 Vehicles (Lights for —)
Z1101 110030 汽车防眩光装置(灯配件) Anti-dazzle devices for automobiles [lamp fittings] 或 Automobiles (Anti-dazzle devices for —) [lamp fittings]
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