
【第一类】 用于工业、科学、摄影、农业、园艺和林业的化学品;未加工人造合成树脂,未加工塑料物质,肥料,灭火用合成物,淬火和金属焊接用制剂,保存食品用化学品,鞣料,工业用粘合剂

组别 项目编号 项目名称(中文) 项目名称(英文)
Z0104 010643 动力转向液 Fluid (Power steering —) 或 Power steering fluid
Z0104 010644 010644 Fluid (Transmission —) 或 Transmission fluid
Z0104 010645 引擎冷却剂用抗沸剂 Anti-boil preparations for engine coolants 或 Coolants (Anti-boil preparations for engine —) 或 Engine coolants (Anti-boil preparations for —)
Z0104 010647 运载工具引擎用冷却剂 Coolants for vehicle engines 或 Engines (Coolants for vehicle —) 或 Vehicle engines (Coolants for —)
Z0104 010654 油类用化学添加剂 Additives (Chemical —) for oils 或 Chemical additives for oils 或 Oils (Chemical additives for —)
Z0104 010693 生产用抗氧化剂
Z0104 C010197 起动液 jump-starter
Z0104 C010200 润闸液 brakelubracant
Z0104 C010214 硅油乙基 siliconethide
Z0104 010107 除颜料外的制造搪瓷用化学品 Enamel (Chemical preparations, except pigments, for the manufacture of —)
Z0104 010109 膨润土 Bentonite
Z0104 010160 陶瓷釉 Ceramic glazings 或 Glazings (Ceramic —)
Z0104 010262 搪瓷遮光剂 Enamel (Opacifiers for —)
Z0104 010263 玻璃遮光剂 Glass (Opacifiers for —)
Z0104 010265 搪瓷着色化学品 Enamel-staining chemicals
Z0104 010370 瓷土 China slip 或 Clay (China —) 或 Kaolin
Z0104 010370 高岭土 China slip 或 Clay (China —) 或 Kaolin
Z0104 010386 制毛玻璃用化学品 Frosting chemicals (Glass —) 或 Glass-frosting chemicals
Z0104 010521 玻璃着色化学品 Glass-staining chemicals
Z0104 010544 水玻璃(硅酸钠水溶液) Glass (Water —) [soluble glass] 或 Water glass [soluble glass]
Z0104 010631 制技术陶瓷用合成物 Ceramics (Compositions for the manufacture of technical —)
Z0104 010646 烧结用颗粒状和粉状陶瓷物质 Ceramic compositions for sintering [granules and powders] 或 Sintering (Ceramic compositions for —) [granules and powders]
Z0104 010006 蓄电池用防泡沫溶液 Anti-frothing solutions for accumulators 或 Anti-frothing solutions for batteries 或 Batteries (Anti-frothing solutions for —)
Z0104 010006 电池用防泡沫溶液 Anti-frothing solutions for accumulators 或 Anti-frothing solutions for batteries 或 Batteries (Anti-frothing solutions for —)
Z0104 010045 促进金属合金形成用化学制剂 Alloying of metals (Chemical preparations for facilitating the —) 或 Chemical preparations for facilitating the alloying of metals
Z0104 010081 镀银用银盐溶液 Silver salt solutions for silvering
Z0104 010098 镀锌液 Baths for galvanizing 或 Galvanizing baths
Z0104 010098 电镀液 Baths for galvanizing 或 Galvanizing baths
Z0104 010251 蓄电池充电用酸性水 ##################### ##################### ##################### ##################### ##################### ##################### ##################### ##################### ##################### ##################### ##################### ##################### ###
Z0104 010611 过滤材料(化学制剂) Filtering materials [chemical preparations]
Z0104 010612 过滤材料(矿物质) Filtering materials [mineral substances]
Z0104 C010202 铸粉 platingpowder
Z0104 010251 电池充电用酸性水 ##################### ##################### ##################### ##################### ##################### ##################### ##################### ##################### ##################### ##################### ##################### ##################### ###
Z0104 010261 原电池盐 Batteries (Salts for galvanic —) 或 Salts for galvanic cells
Z0104 010324 电镀制剂 Galvanizing preparations
Z0104 010500 蓄电池硫酸盐清除剂 Batteries (Liquids for removing sulphates from —) 或 Liquids for removing sulphates from accumulators 或 Liquids for removing sulphates from batteries
Z0104 010500 电池硫酸盐清除剂 Batteries (Liquids for removing sulphates from —) 或 Liquids for removing sulphates from accumulators 或 Liquids for removing sulphates from batteries
Z0104 C010201 电刷镀溶液 brushplatingsolution
Z0104 010275 气体净化剂 Gas purifying preparations 或 Purification of gas (Preparations for the —)
Z0104 010613 过滤材料(植物质) Filtering materials [vegetable substances]
Z0104 010621 用作过滤介质的颗粒状陶瓷材料 Ceramic materials in particulate form, for use as filtering media 或 Filtering media (Ceramic materials in particulate form, for use as —)
Z0104 010307 铸造制模用制剂 Foundry molding [moulding] preparations 或 Molding preparations (Foundry —) 或 Moulding preparations (Foundry —)
Z0104 010467 铸造用沙 Foundry sand 或 Sand (Foundry —)
Z0104 010023 水软化剂 Softening preparations (Water —) 或 Water-softening preparations
Z0104 010254 澄清剂 Clarification preparations 或 Purification preparations
Z0104 010254 净化剂(澄清剂) Clarification preparations 或 Purification preparations
Z0104 010255 离子交换剂 Exchangers (Ion —) [chemicals] 或 Ion exchangers [chemical preparations]
Z0104 010587 絮凝剂 Flocculants
Z0104 010608 水净化用化学品 Purifying chemicals (Water- —) 或 Water purifying chemicals
Z0104 010609 工业用软化剂 Emollients for industrial purposes
Z0104 010073 防水垢剂 Anti-incrustants
Z0104 010174 清洁烟囱用化学品 Chimney cleaners, chemical 或 Cleaners, chemical (Chimney —)
Z0104 010377 镜头防污剂 Lenses (Preparations for preventing the tarnishing of —)
Z0104 010472 工业用肥皂(含金属) Soap [metallic] for industrial purposes
Z0104 010608 水净化用化学品 Purifying chemicals (Water- —) 或 Water purifying chemicals
Z0104 010609 工业用软化剂 Emollients for industrial purposes
Z0104 010073 防水垢剂 Anti-incrustants
Z0104 010606 清漆溶剂 Solvents for varnishes 或 Varnishes (Solvents for —)
Z0104 010679 制颜料用化学品 chemicals for the manufacture of pigments
Z0104 010231 生产加工用除脂剂 Degreasing preparations for use in manufacturing processes 或 Grease-removing preparations for use in manufacturing processes
Z0104 010240 除水垢剂 Disincrustants
Z0104 010241 生产加工用去污剂 Detergents for use in manufacturing processes
Z0104 010522 玻璃防污剂 Glass (Preparations for preventing the tarnishing of —)
Z0104 010522 玻璃防污剂 Glass (Preparations for preventing the tarnishing of —)
Z0104 010523 窗玻璃防污用化学品 Anti-tarnishing chemicals for windows 或 Windows (Anti-tarnishing chemicals for —)
Z0104 010635 非家用除垢剂 Scale removing preparations, other than for household purposes
Z0104 010648 散热器清洗化学品 Radiator flushing chemicals
Z0104 C010211 工业用洗净剂 abstergent
Z0104 010343 制清漆用的羯布罗香膏 Balm of gurjun [gurjon, gurjan] for making varnish 或 Gurjun [gurjon, gurjan] (Balm of —) for making varnish
Z0104 010575 制漆用化学品 Paints (Chemical preparations for the manufacture of —) 或 Pigments (Chemical preparations for the manufacture of —)
Z0104 010005 硫化加速剂 Accelerators (Vulcanisation —) 或 Vulcanisation accelerators
Z0104 010145 橡胶防腐剂 Rubber preservatives
Z0104 010260 非家用抗静电剂 Antistatic preparations, other than for household purposes
Z0104 010597 工业用炭黑 Carbon black for industrial purposes
Z0104 010640 橡胶用化学增强剂 Chemical intensifiers for rubber
Z0104 C010203 促进剂 accelerant
Z0104 C010204 乌洛托品 woluotuopin
Z0104 C010206 抗氧剂 antioxidant
Z0104 C010210 抗静电剂 antistaticagent
Z0104 010019 钻探泥浆用化学添加剂 Additives, chemical, to drilling muds 或 Drilling muds (Chemical additives to —)
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